The Swisscum team visited the erotic exhibition Extasia in Zurich Oerlikon also this year. We were a bit surprised about the very expensive admission price of Fr. 45.- on the box office. In the hall we found many stands for buying erotic implements. Among these implements there were erotic toys like vibrators, penis rings or lubricants. There were also a lot of pornos on DVD or even the old VHS cassettes to buy.

To satisfy the physical well-being, we found many bars with cool drinks inside the hall. Outdoors there were some stands with grilled sausages, pizzas or asiatic food.

We were happy to find some Swiss prodictions like the
Swiss Army Calendar or the established pornos from the mountains with Heidi from the
Eastside Studios on their own stands.

The most action was in the table dance section. The girls were dancing on the two poles almost all of the time and showed their female attractions. Sadly, there weren’t many naked breasts to see. But the music und also the mood were super. Some men disappeared from time to time with a stripper girl for a private show.

For the women there wasn’t as many to see as last year; the women only section with the men strip was available, but there wasn’t a overseer on the entrance who elated the women to step in and to stop the men from looking inside indeed.

Sadly, the live porno production taked place behind closed doors. The show was presented live on a big screen, but this isn’t the same as looking to it directly. Seeming the police forbade to watch this show directly.