Swisscum – Die Schweizer Erotikseite


Teen girl Jacqueline takes off her clothes

Gespeichert unter: English,Teens — admin @ 17:50
Yes, Jacqueline is a young girl. But she is neither closed minded nor shy or uptight. Her body is perfect formed and she knows exactly how she has to presentate it, to let the men’s hearts beat higher. People from Zurich in Switzerland like to say: “Wow, isch das ä geili Chatz!”. The english translation would be something like: “Wow, that is a hot cat!”. But i talked already too much; let’s have a look at her…

Teenie Mädchen Jacqueline oben ohne 1  Teenie Mädchen Jacqueline oben ohne 2

Maybe you ask now: “Is that all???”. Of course not! Exclusively here on Swisscum, you get a FREE TOPLESS PHOTO of the cute teen girl Jacqueline!

And now you may say: “Wow, that’s a very cute mousie”. “She has very beautiful titties, almost a dream!”. “But, where can i find more hot stuff???”

Well, here’s the happy message for you: In the great members area you will find 115 very high quality photos of Jacqueline!!! All you have to do for entering the members area is to join now to get instant access to everything seen on this site.

Blonde teen Becky gets nude to show her tits and ass

Gespeichert unter: English,Teens — admin @ 17:43
When you look at teen Becky’s hot photos below this text, you learn that she looks really hot. Her ass has the perfect shape and the size of her tits matches her body very well. But you may think: “What can i find in the members area if i take my credit card out of my pocket and join?” The answer is, that you’ll find 65 large photos of the blonde Becky where she completely takes off her clothes to show her beautiful tits, her perfect ass and you can also have a look between her legs! Next you may ask: “Wow, 65 photos!” “But what about the quality?” Well, for this question we also have a good answer: You can have a look to this FREE SAMPLE PHOTO of Becky. It shows Becky with dragged down panties! So you’ll have a great look to her sexy g-string!

Bonde teen Becky 1  Bonde teen Becky 2

Please join now to see all 65 photos and all other girls presented on Swisscum instantly.


Sexy leather girl Rebecca’s photo shooting

Gespeichert unter: English,Women over 20 — admin @ 23:18
Leather girl Rebecca owns a motor cycle and she drove with it to this photo shooting. We had the great idea to start the shooting immediately, because she was looking very, very hot in her clothes including the black leather coat. Slowly she took off her coat and we were very surprised, because she weared only a black bra, black thong and stockings under the coat. Wooooow! And as you can see on the photos below, she also took off the rest of her clothes to show her beautiful breasts and her nice ass! To see everything, you just have to join and enter the nice members area instantly. Then you have access to 75 high quality photos of Rebecca from this photo set. To be sure that we really offer the great quality, here is a high resolution, completely FREE TOPLESS PHOTO OF REBECCA to download! The size of the photos in the members area is even bigger!

Sexy Rebecca 1  Sexy topless Rebecca 2

Join now to see Rebecca nude and touching her breasts.


Super blonde Lola presents her female charms

Gespeichert unter: English,Women over 20 — admin @ 20:42
Blonde Lola doesn’t has anything to hide, and she knows that. Men love to look at her beautiful long legs, the long, blonde hair, her big tits, the tight body and the sexy eyes. In her free time, she makes photo shootings with amateur photographers. She is always happy and ready for fun all the time. Such a woman can’t be missing on Swisscum! In the large Swisscum members area you can find 114 very high resolution photos of this set with Lola. To get an idea of the great quality Swisscum delivers, here is an EXCLUSIVE AND FREE PHOTO of Lola in high resolution. If you want to see more, you’ll have instant access to tons of photos in the members area, after you signed up.

Super Blondine Lola 1  Super Blondine Lola 2

Please join now if you want so see all girls showed here naked.


Sexy woman Franziska presents herself in black underwear

Gespeichert unter: English,Women over 20 — admin @ 23:22
Properly, woman Franziska is blonde, but she’s very naughty and colored her hair red. She loves to presentate herself in front of a camera. And that’s not all, she likes to do that in underwear. WOW! That’s very ballsy. But the story goes on… In the great members area she takes off everything and is getting completely nude!!! You’ll find 100 high quality photos where she shows all her female appeals like the beautiful big breasts, her sexy ass and you can have a look between her legs! All you have to do for enjoying Franziska’s private photos is to join now. On Swisscum you don’t buy the cat in the bag; for this reason we are pleased to give away a FULL RESOLUTION PHOTO of Franziska.

Franziska in Unterwäsche 1  Franziska in Unterwäsche 2

Please join now to see Franziska and the other girls naked.

Welcome on!

Gespeichert unter: English,Swisscum — admin @ 22:16
A new erotic site “Made in Switzewrland” was born. It shines in red-white light out of the deeps of the cyberspace. You’ll find many, many photos of hot womens and couples on Swisscum’s blog and of course they show you everything in the members area after you joined. We whish you a great pleasure on this site and a healthy, long life.
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